Energy Carpet Off-Shore Sea Application Concept

The Solutions Put Forth By The Design:

  1. 1 MW system installation cost is reduced to approximately $1.6 – $1.7 million.
  2. With its high cycle efficiency, the system is self-paying for itself in 7-8 years.
  3. The system is designed to be close to coastal and off-shore applications and the direction of the wave to the system has been eliminated.
  4. The system does not have a system element to create a visual disturbance on the sea surface, the system has an aesthetic appearance has been provided
  5. The system will not create a direct resistance surface against waves and that protects the system against unpredictable big waves and prevents damage
  6. The system can be made as modular units and

• The modular structure offers flexible application possibilities for very variable need points and creates a wide range of solutions.

• The modular structure allows unit intervention on the basis of the problems that may occur during operation and contributes to the regular working performance of the system.

• Modular construction reduces operating, maintenance and repair costs

• The modular structure of the system provides ease of transfer and installation (especially for offshore applications)